Hey beautiful soul!

I'm so excited to share this Vibrational Vortex Sound Healing with you - it's a unique method I've developed combining hypnosis, intuitive singing, and crystal alchemy bowls that helps you step into alignment and become magnetic for your desires.

Let me share a bit about how this works, because the science behind it is actually pretty incredible. When you listen, specific sound frequencies help guide your brain from its normal busy state into slower, more receptive brainwaves - similar to what you experience just before falling asleep or in deep meditation. Through years of studying with sound masters across the world and diving deep into neuroscience, I've crafted this method to create both profound relaxation and powerful transformation.

To get the most out of this experience, here's what I recommend:

  • Find a cozy, quiet space where you won't be disturbed for the next 15 minutes
  • Use headphones if you can - this helps your brain sync with the frequencies even better
  • Either sit comfortably with your spine straight or lie down, whatever feels best for you
  • Dim the lights if possible - this helps you journey inward more easily
  • Take a few deep breaths before starting to center yourself

During the session, you might experience:

  • Deep relaxation as your nervous system shifts into rest-and-digest mode
  • Waves of energy moving through your body
  • Spontaneous insights or visions
  • A feeling of expansion or floating
  • Release of tension you didn't even know you were holding

Remember, there's no "right way" to receive this healing. Your body and nervous system know exactly what they need - trust that. Some people feel energized afterward, while others might feel called to rest. Honor whatever comes up for you.

You can use this recording:

  • In the morning to set powerful intentions for your day
  • Before bed to integrate the day's experiences
  • During moments when you need to realign with your highest self
  • As a regular practice to expand your capacity to receive

Feel free to return to this recording whenever you need a reset and tap back into your natural state of abundance and flow. Trust that you'll receive exactly what you need in this moment.

In light, Cecilie